Ruheraum Nord/Süd

Sauna-Ruheraum auf dem Dach eines aufgeblasenen italienischen Wellness-Hotels in der Umgebung von Bozen. Gedämmte Atmosphäre, Holz, weiches Licht, süßliche Klavierschmusemusik, Meeresgeräusche, Vogelzwitschern, hin und wieder knirscht eine Schiebetür und Duschen auf dem Gang rauschen. Auf Relax-Liegen liegen und sitzen er, sie und ein unbeteiligter Zuhörer. Geflüsterte Konversation zwischen ihm (italienischer Akzent) und ihr (deutscher Akzent). Elektrizität liegt in der Luft.

Er: You want some more tea?

Sie: Yes, please

Er (mit Tee zurück von draußen): . . . You like Italian people?

Sie: Yes. Italian are nice. Very nice people.

Er: Right. Italian are nice. We are nice people. Italian people like other people. Nice people.

Sie: What other people?

Er: Germans for example. Germans are good people. We like Germans.

Sie: Yes. Germans are good people. Some Germans are not nice. I do not like. Like in east Germany, many people are . . . Rassisten. You know, Rassisten?

Er: Race. They hate. Always hate. Hate other people.

Sie: South German people. They hate north German people. Like in football.

Er: It is the same here. I do understand.

Sie: North German people are open and liberal. South German people are . . . Catholic. Catholic hate different religions.

Er: Like in Italy! See, it is the same here. North Italy people are so tolerant and positive. South Italy people are . . . Catholic. They get angry very soon. For example.

Sie: It is the worst in Sicily. I heard.

Er: Yes. You are right. It is strange in Sicily. People are so like . . . Mafia. Very angry. You know?

Sie: I know. You know. I moved to Bavaria before half a year. People do not like me. Bavaria people are so different. I was protestant. You know, the religion. They are catholic. I was living in Köln before. You been to Köln?

Er: I heard from Köln. It's a nice place. . . . very nice. [ . . .] Can I get you something to drink?

Sie: Thank you so much, I am fine.

Er: You want to go outside? To the whirlpool?

Sie: Great, let's go.

Er: Can I . . .?

Sie: Yes. If you like. It's cold outside.


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Ruheraum Nord/Süd von Wolfgang Schmetterer steht unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung-Nicht-kommerziell-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 3.0 Deutschland Lizenz.
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